
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 25.5

My brain is a mess. A funny thing happened this week. Monday I drove all the way to work just to realize I left my computer at home. Had to go back to get it.

Tuesday I forgot my purse.

Wednesday I wrote myself a checklist and had the hubby run through it with me.

The books say forgetfulness is a symptom of pregnancy hormones, but I am not used to being this air-headed. Sometimes I walk into a room and can’t remember what I’m doing there. Most of the time it’s frustrating though. Like when I left my computer at home, I wrote myself a note on my Outlook calendar to take an hour of leave because I was late to work. Guess what I forgot to do on my timesheet? Had to go back, fix it, get it re-signed.

Simple things are taking more effort because my brain decided to fuzz over. It’s terribly annoying and not like me at all. I started making lists for everything, even things I used to easily remember. Like what tasks I need to do at work, what I need at the grocery store... hell just remembering to go to the store with tote bags, coupons, and my purse.

Sometimes I have moments of clarity where I feel like my old brain is back. All this stuff comes flooding in like, take dinner out of the freezer, call the furnace guy, put that birthday card in the mail, reorder business cards, email that person back, etc. It all comes at once, then the brain fuzz starts again. It leaves me staring at my email inbox knowing I was supposed to email something but don’t know what or who.

I’d really like for this phase to be over, please!

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