
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 17

Most everyone knows by now. Which is a good thing because that means cards and presents and hand-me-down clothes!

There still are a bunch of people we have not told yet - like Hubby’s extended relatives and Facebook acquaintances. Don’t judge, it’s actually difficult to tell people. For 12-13 weeks, we kept a huge, life-changing secret to ourselves. That’s over 3 months. You can’t flip a switch and suddenly let the information out fire-hose style. I still find it awkward telling people. I usually say, “I have news” and make some gesture to my belly. Or I say, “I will be on maternity leave in February.” I found it hard to switch from secrecy to megaphone overnight.

What’s new this week? Clothes!! My cousin gave me a box of maternity clothes! And they fit!! I have pants, dresses, and a few shirts, but will need to buy a couple more to round out the wardrobe. I also got a box of unisex baby clothes, a bassinet, and a swing. Family rules!

The bassinet and swing double as dog training devices. They have baby smell.

Also new - heartburn. WTF this hurts. And my god does the fatigue ever go away? At least I found people to commiserate with. There’s an online forum for expectant mothers in the DC area. Who knew that bagels and cream cheese was a pregnancy thing? I thought it was just me. I go through 6 bagels a week and a whole container of cream cheese. The forum also has great advice on daycares and nannies as well as what to expect. Everyone posts anonymously so there’s no judging.

So yeah, we’re making progress!

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