
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 24

Hey so a hurricane hit us. We spent the night on an air mattress in the living room because our trees ALWAYS fall over in a storm. Pansies.

Air mattresses suck for most people, but it’s just cruel to make a pregnant woman sleep on one. I got zero sleep. I had pains that kept me awake all night. Plus the dog was scared and he wanted to put his massive head on my stomach like it’s a built-in pillow.

A weird thing about being visibly pregnant are the compliments. Wow does society reward pregnant women. “You look great!” “So beautiful!” “You are carrying so well!” No wonder we have an issue with teenage moms if this is the type of positive reinforcement women receive. It’s especially prevalent in the locker room and yoga. “Good for you!” “Keep it up as long as you can, girl!”

I suppose that’s loads better than negative reinforcement. Still, it’s an odd reflection on our culture. There should be a sign on the locker room door that compliments everyone, “You rock for just being here!”

I’ve been getting so much attention, that I’m annoyed when I don’t receive it. How come she didn’t comment on my Facebook pic?!? This friend sent me a gift, why didn’t that one?!? My internal voice sounds like a high maintenance monster.

It’s starting to be that time were we need to tour day cares, interview pediatricians, sign up for a class, tour the maternity ward, and change our health insurance to a family plan. Ugh.

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