
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 13

We started to tell people! Just immediate family. I’m still trying to keep the news off Facebook until after Labor Day, which is just two weeks away.

It’s actually nice to share the news with people. I’ll admit, I was digging the secret between my husband and I, and some part of me thought telling other people would just add stress. Not the case though. It’s been fun to share the excitement and talk about it with others.

People ask fun questions too, like what am I craving and how often did I puke. For the record, I vomited once (go me!), and I’m craving cheese fries, white rice, and beer.

I miss beer.

Generally, I feel fine. Mosquitoes tend to swarm around me to get some of that tasty pregnancy blood. I can’t use DEET either. I feel like a West Nile factory.

The fatigue is killer, but I’m getting used to being tired all the time. The pregnancy headaches are something else though. I woke up this morning with an intense pounding in my head. Tylenol is no more effective than sugar pills. At least my husband was around to press on my skull and reshape my brain. I don’t think I could’ve gone to work without him.

I also miss sleep.

I may be crashing at 9:30, 10:00 at night, but I wake up 1-2 times in the night to pee. Then it’s hard to go back to sleep. I also wake up 30 minutes before my alarm goes off, despite being more tired than all those Olympians who collapse at the finish line. My dog also thinks it’s funny to take my spot when I get up to pee. I have to wrestle a four-legged dead weight to get back into bed.

Speaking of the dog, he’s not the most behaved domesticated animal. He likes to steal shoes and socks. Last night he got into my sewing supplies. We are concerned about him taking the baby’s things and generally being a real jealous asshole. I have a book on resource guarding, and I have some time to work with him. But the book doesn’t say anything that we haven’t tried in the last 4 years. It might be as simple as getting the dog more exercise. If he’s a couch ornament, he’s not stealing shoes.

Still, that’s pretty hard to do with fatigue and headaches. I dunno, I’ll figure something out.

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