
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 21

It’s a boy!

Alright, I’ll admit it. I’m relieved it’s a boy.

Boys are easier. High energy, but easier. Note - I’m not saying “easy”, I’m saying “easier”. Girls have dresses and skirts and pigtails and pierced ears. You throw some pants on a boy and he’s good to go.

Besides, I noticed something in the way society treats girls and boys. Girls are frequently complimented on the way they look.

Look at that dress! You are such a princess!
Your little girl is so pretty!
You’re going to be pretty like your mom one day.

Sound familiar? I know all of us are guilty of saying these at some point.

Boys get complimented on the things they do.

Nice hit, slugger!
Good catch!
Look how fast he can run!
So brave on those swings!

Do you see the difference? Actions are valued, even if they are athletic actions. I had made the decision weeks ago that if it was a girl, to make every effort to praise actions, not looks. She would feel her worth in the things she did, not the way her dress matched her shoes.

But it’s okay, because it’s a boy!

I also like boys’ names better. I have one picked out but haven’t started that fight with the hubby yet. He named the dog Colby. Colby is a cheese. We should get more dogs and name them Cheddar and Jack.

At least we know the sex now and the real planning (and arguing) can begin.

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