
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 23

Life is happening. I continue to grow; about 1lb a week I think. I’m trying to stay off the scale. I figure if I eat fresh fruits and veggies, drink my milk, and take my vitamin, I should be good to go. No use obsessing about a number.

Pumpkin donuts are amazing though. And apple dumplings.

We’ve been reading a lot of books and learning a lot. The registry looks like we know what we’re doing. Also started a new training technique with the dog so he doesn’t expect much attention. He gets exercise in the morning and a long walk when I get home. He gets fed, play time, but then he has to settle down. Usually he’s still running around the house stealing socks and shoes for attention. Now he’s on the leash and has to sit next to us. He gets petted and cuddled, but not chased around the house.

I still haven’t felt a decent kick from the baby. I feel movement, like a tightness that comes and goes. Hubby felt it once too when it was really strong. It’s just a flutter still. The doctor says the placenta is in the way and that’s why we can’t feel it. I have noticed a lot more movement when I’m hungry though. The little man wants to eat.

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