
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 28/29

The crib is in! We have to go pick it up and assemble it. This week is a scramble to remove my sewing table from the nursery and get it painted. We still need somewhere to put my sewing table, which means the desk from the office gets the boot. The desk from the office goes to the basement, which needs an area cleaned out.....you get the picture. Lots of rearranging this week.

The shower invitations went out last week, and I'm happily watching items tick off the registry. Some of the larger items - the car seat, high chair - are showing up at the house. I've been storing them in the nursery, so that's another thing we have to move before painting can happen.

I feel fortunate in a number of ways.

1. I have people willing to throw me a shower. That's pretty huge if you think about it. Showers, parties, shindigs can be hassles. Especially when you're the host.

2. I have people racing to buy stuff for me off the registry. Me, baby, whatever. That's pretty crazy too, especially since it's also approaching Christmas.

3.  I have a hubby who moves furniture, paints, and picks up extra chores around the house as I become more and more massive.

4. I've been healthy so far. Yeah, I'm big. I have all the aches and pains of putting on 20lbs in the past 2-3 months. My calves hurt, my back hurts, I can't walk a mile without taking a break, and there's a constant pain in my rib where baby is leaning on a nerve (according to the doctor). But I don't have diabetes or other major concerns, and I feel fortunate for that.

On a side note, evolution did not do women any favors with a 9 month pregnancy term. Turns out, that's really short. The first trimester, maybe you gain 5lbs. Then you start putting on 1-2lbs a week in the second trimester. Think about that. That's a lot of weight. In the third trimester, you have another spurt and gain even more weight. Total recommended weight gain is 25-35lbs, but everyone knows someone that gained 40 or 50.

40lbs over 5-6 months is a crazy amount of weight to put on your frame. It's not even balanced weight either. It's all hanging off the front of your torso. It's not enough time for your legs to get stronger to support the weight. It's not enough time for your back to adjust. Or your joints for that matter. Walking the dog for an hour means I take two breaks and need a nap afterward. How is that survival of the fittest? Seems like pregnant women would've gotten eaten by predators because they are too slow and too heavy to escape. You are reliant on a community to protect you and get you extra food, and that's just a dumb way to evolve.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 27

Dang, I think I'm in the third trimester now. Can I go back to the second, please? Pretty, please? The second was like a buffer. Over the sickness from the first and shielded from the crunch time of the third.

So much stuff to do before the baby comes. Not only at home (move furniture, paint, find pediatrician), but at work too (get that project done, make sure you tell Johnny all he needs to know, Johnny is a dolt though).

But we are making progress. Ordered a glider this week, after sitting in several dozen. That takes care of all the furniture. Just have to assemble it when it comes in. Also registered for a birthing class and started a 529 college fund.

As for me, the symptoms are getting a little worse as I get heavier. Or maybe they just feel worse because it's now the dreaded THIRD TRIMESTER!! da-da-da-dum. My back hurts all the time and my left calf tightens to the point where I'm not sure I can flex it. I also get restless leg syndrome at night. This is a weird feeling, and I'm not sure how to describe it.

Mostly, it's painful. Not like my-leg-fell-asleep-painful. It's different. Like tingly pins of pain that only go away when you move your leg again. (okay, that sounds like my-leg-fell-asleep pain, but trust me, it's a different type of tingle.) You have to keep moving your leg because it hurts to remain still. The RLS is in both of my calves and the bottom of my left foot. One night it got so bad, the hubby had to rub my foot to get it to stop.

Also, people commenting on my size has begun to annoy me. I will set the record straight for all you well-wishers out there wanting to start a talk with a pregnant woman. If what you are about to say has anything to do with size - large or small - shut the F up. Tell her she looks great instead.

You are really showing!
You are all belly! Is it twins?
Now that's a baby bump!
Oh you're not that large. When are you due, April?

No, February, you freaks. At any given time I either feel like a whale or feel like the baby isn't big enough. Don't guess how far along she is, just ask. And don't say a damn thing about size. It's already bad enough when they pull out the tape measure at the doctor's office. Weighed and measured like a fish for sale.

Last bit of advice, if the woman responds with, "thank you, I guess" it means you failed.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Book Review - Delirium

Delirium is some kick ass worldbuilding. Set in the future, in the city of Portland, Maine, the US has banned love.

Okay, sounds corny. Like teenagers fighting for the right to love. It could've gone this route, but didn't. It was actually pretty vicious.

Once you are 18, you get a lobotomy that "cures" you of love. The reasoning seems sound. It's a dangerous emotion that leads to violence, jealousy, revenge, pain, and general unpleasantness.

The problem is enforcement. Portland is enclosed by an electrical fence because there's a movement of resistors fighting back.

Our protagonist, befriends one of those resistors. Through his eyes, she starts to see her world as it actually is. Regulators peering inside windows to catch adults loving their kids too much. Midnight raids with forcible entry to see if you're breaking the rules. Immediate execution or lifetime imprisonment if you're caught.

The book is a mite predictable, but it is a good read. I like how it takes the protagonist a while to change her thinking. It's not like hey there's a hot guy! I love him! My world is wrong! It took several hundred pages to get there. The journey is page turning and exciting though. I'm definitely checking out the sequel.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 26

What an insanely busy week. I feel like I’ve been cramming for a test. We’ve been reading pregnancy books, absorbing every ounce of information we can. What to Expect While You’re Expecting. The baby care book : a complete guide from birth to 12 months old. Baby matters : what your doctor may not tell you about caring for your baby. Baby Bargains: Secrets to Saving 20% to 50% on Baby Furniture, Equipment, Clothes, Toys, Maternity Wear and Much, Much More!

It’s not quite panic-mode but we’re getting there. Yes, we bought paint for the nursery, but there’s still daycares to tour, classes to schedule, a hospital tour to arrange, pediatricians to interview, kegels to exercise, and actually painting the nursery.

The books were supposed to help in this challenge, but have actually made things worse. For example, Baby Bargains. I bought this book to help save us money and learn what’s really necessary in terms of baby equipment. Wow did I get schooled. The crib we registered for rated poor in quality. The glider will break after a year or two. The high chair doesn’t clean easily. The diaper pail doesn’t trap odors. Crib bumpers will kill the baby.

Yikes. It wasn’t so much a bargain-finder book, but a consumer reports of all the brands and equipment and where to buy. So I ended up changing the registry to more expensive, higher quality items. And we ran out and ordered a crib immediately because we apparently were supposed to do that weeks ago.

Apparently these suckers take 10-14 weeks to arrive. Do the math. 26 weeks now....it’ll arrive when I’m 36-40 weeks pregnant. (A typical human pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks. I learned that in my books.) Then we have to pick it up and put it together. Why does it take so long to arrive? Hubby asked that question to the sales lady and got a snarky response, “because it has to be made.” Yeah well, most furniture stores can deliver in a few days. It’s called inventory.

We picked out the Pali Salerno crib and dresser in mocacchino finish. Baby Bargains said this was a good brand and the crib would last for several babies. It better because the set was over a $1000 and we have to wait weeks to get it, pick it up, and assemble it ourselves. This is what the book said to expect though.

I spent hours this week pouring over the registry, double checking every item I registered for. Sometimes I nailed it, sometimes I was way off. Finally, the registry is done and it’s bloody brilliant. I registered for the stuff that got the highest Amazon reviews, the best reviews from Baby Bargains, and even though we’ve no clue what we’re doing, at least we’ll have the best gear available.

So in Week 26, I have conquered the registry! I also took my glucose test, bought paint, worked with the dog on not stealing, read books, bought a crib and dresser, got the furnace inspected, and researched gliders.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 25.5

My brain is a mess. A funny thing happened this week. Monday I drove all the way to work just to realize I left my computer at home. Had to go back to get it.

Tuesday I forgot my purse.

Wednesday I wrote myself a checklist and had the hubby run through it with me.

The books say forgetfulness is a symptom of pregnancy hormones, but I am not used to being this air-headed. Sometimes I walk into a room and can’t remember what I’m doing there. Most of the time it’s frustrating though. Like when I left my computer at home, I wrote myself a note on my Outlook calendar to take an hour of leave because I was late to work. Guess what I forgot to do on my timesheet? Had to go back, fix it, get it re-signed.

Simple things are taking more effort because my brain decided to fuzz over. It’s terribly annoying and not like me at all. I started making lists for everything, even things I used to easily remember. Like what tasks I need to do at work, what I need at the grocery store... hell just remembering to go to the store with tote bags, coupons, and my purse.

Sometimes I have moments of clarity where I feel like my old brain is back. All this stuff comes flooding in like, take dinner out of the freezer, call the furnace guy, put that birthday card in the mail, reorder business cards, email that person back, etc. It all comes at once, then the brain fuzz starts again. It leaves me staring at my email inbox knowing I was supposed to email something but don’t know what or who.

I’d really like for this phase to be over, please!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Here is Santa's official website in case you have never Googled for Merry Christmas. You're welcome.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 25

At the doctor’s appointment today, the doc said I should be feeling the baby kick 10x a day.

Whoa. I’m nowhere near that. More like 3 or 4. Mostly because I have an anterior placenta that muffles a lot of the movement. Even so, if the baby moves 5 times, that’s an unusual day.

Now I’m supposed to count and try to take more notice of when the baby is moving. Yeah you read that right. Apparently I’m just not paying enough attention.

Dude. I sit in a cubicle all day. It’s not like I’m super active that I don’t notice when a 1.5lb organism inside me is kicking.

But you know, I refuse to be stressed out about this. At the 20 week screening, the baby was moving a lot, but I couldn’t feel it at all. All tests have shown a very healthy pregnancy so far. I feel good, and some part of me knows there isn’t anything wrong. So what if the doctor wants to schedule an extra sonogram just to make sure? At least we get another peek at the baby at the insurance’s expense.

The little guy isn’t a strong kicker....yet. Or he’s comfy and doesn’t like to move. I don’t know why I’m sure, but I’m sure there is nothing wrong. Counting how many times he moves during the day seems very clinical, when over and over you hear that every pregnancy is different. I will do it, because the doctor asked me to. Seems kinda dumb though.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Book Review - The Giver

Yeah so nearly everyone on Earth has read this classic. I'm a little late to the party.

The Giver is a utopian or dystopian setting, depending on how you look at it. It's about a community who medicates themselves against all strong feelings, like love, desire, hate, etc.

Except for one person, called The Giver. He stores all the memories of civilization, of peoples past, just in case the community leaders need wisdom.

There's a lot of discussion of happiness and ambivalence. Can you be happy if you have never known unhappiness? Can you appreciate life if you don't know pain? Is being ambivalent the equivalent of living in a prison, or is it a utopian way to live?

Honestly, I don't care. I had trouble with the "not having strong emotions" part of the book. People don't start receiving medication until they hit puberty. Which means children don't feel love for their parents, aren't cruel to their friends, and don't experience jealousy, etc. Simply because as a human race, we don't remember those feelings. The Giver is the only one who remembers.

That's crap. You don't have to remember love or hate to experience it. You don't even have to witness it. It's a pretty natural thing. And since when do human beings have a collective memory? We're aren't hive animals.

I couldn't get past this to even bother with the discussion about humanity and society. Plus, the ending is open for interpretation. I hate that.

The Giver just reconfirms my distaste for all things "classic".

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 24

Hey so a hurricane hit us. We spent the night on an air mattress in the living room because our trees ALWAYS fall over in a storm. Pansies.

Air mattresses suck for most people, but it’s just cruel to make a pregnant woman sleep on one. I got zero sleep. I had pains that kept me awake all night. Plus the dog was scared and he wanted to put his massive head on my stomach like it’s a built-in pillow.

A weird thing about being visibly pregnant are the compliments. Wow does society reward pregnant women. “You look great!” “So beautiful!” “You are carrying so well!” No wonder we have an issue with teenage moms if this is the type of positive reinforcement women receive. It’s especially prevalent in the locker room and yoga. “Good for you!” “Keep it up as long as you can, girl!”

I suppose that’s loads better than negative reinforcement. Still, it’s an odd reflection on our culture. There should be a sign on the locker room door that compliments everyone, “You rock for just being here!”

I’ve been getting so much attention, that I’m annoyed when I don’t receive it. How come she didn’t comment on my Facebook pic?!? This friend sent me a gift, why didn’t that one?!? My internal voice sounds like a high maintenance monster.

It’s starting to be that time were we need to tour day cares, interview pediatricians, sign up for a class, tour the maternity ward, and change our health insurance to a family plan. Ugh.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Goodreads challenge

At the beginning of 2012, I challenged myself to read 100 books this year. That's about 2 books every week. Pretty lofty goal considering I started taking masters classes and also have an online collar shop to manage too.

I was doing well for 3/4 of the year. Then the extreme fatigue of my first trimester hit, and I was going to bed at 8:30-9:00 every night. I still tried to read but only got through a few pages before I was out cold. Otherwise, I think I would've made my goal easily.

So here we are with 10 days left in the year and 10.5 books to go. It's not really fair that I got this close just to fail. I'm debating reading a children's book or two, maybe a few short stories. Anything with an ISBN code just to make the goal. I can't tell you how much it sucks to work toward something all year and not quite make it. It's like coming in 4th place at the Olympics.

I told myself at the beginning of the year that I wasn't going to cheat. The books I read had to be a legitimate length. Or if I read a short story, I would have to offset it by reading George RR Martin. (which I did).

Anyway, I'm still going to try for the 100. It doesn't look likely, but who knows. Maybe I'll actually do it.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 23

Life is happening. I continue to grow; about 1lb a week I think. I’m trying to stay off the scale. I figure if I eat fresh fruits and veggies, drink my milk, and take my vitamin, I should be good to go. No use obsessing about a number.

Pumpkin donuts are amazing though. And apple dumplings.

We’ve been reading a lot of books and learning a lot. The registry looks like we know what we’re doing. Also started a new training technique with the dog so he doesn’t expect much attention. He gets exercise in the morning and a long walk when I get home. He gets fed, play time, but then he has to settle down. Usually he’s still running around the house stealing socks and shoes for attention. Now he’s on the leash and has to sit next to us. He gets petted and cuddled, but not chased around the house.

I still haven’t felt a decent kick from the baby. I feel movement, like a tightness that comes and goes. Hubby felt it once too when it was really strong. It’s just a flutter still. The doctor says the placenta is in the way and that’s why we can’t feel it. I have noticed a lot more movement when I’m hungry though. The little man wants to eat.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 22

Zomg registries are hard. Common sense says babies don’t need much other than diapers, blankets, and a place to sleep. There’s also all the new parents saying you don’t need half as much as you think. But when you ask them what they used the most, the answer is always different.

Some babies like the bassinet. Some hated the Baby Bjorn. You need to get baby nail clippers. Bottle warmers are dumb. Get a lightweight stroller. Get a stroller that carries everything. Toys are a waste of money. Get one carseat and two bases. Get a really good crib mobile with a remote.

So you see, I really can’t knock anything off the massive baby checklist because we don’t know what will be useful. Things work for people that don’t work for others.

We started a registry on Amazon and realized we were utterly clueless. A few days later, we tackled Babies R Us and wandered around the store not even knowing what things were called.

Tag this bouncy thingy. It looks important.
Sure, how many do we need?
How much is it?
Just get one.

I bought some books off Amazon and hubby ran to the library. We’ve been learning about baby care ever since. I now know what a Pack and Play is.
Besides, everyone who ever had a baby has blogged about it. There are checklists all over the internet, as well as Most Registered for items, product reviews, best sellers, and even other people’s registries to steal from. I feel confident about everything except clothes. Not sure what size to get and how many.

Meanwhile, I’m still feeling very good. I don’t have any aches, pains, or complaints. The massive fatigue seems to be over with. We actually took a few days vacation in Denver this week for a friend’s wedding. I did a lot of walking. Yes, I was tired and my legs were sore, but if that’s the worse that happens, I’ll take it.

Well, I can do without the shin splints. I did some researching and it’s not terribly normal, but some pregnant ladies do experience shin splints. Most of the information I found was on runners’ forums for expectant moms. I can’t believe people are still jogging, but hey, go for it. I get shin splints if I walk too much.

My sneakers are fairly new, I have arch inserts, and I wear different shoes to the office every day. Still, my calves get tight and my shins scream. I think it’s because the extra weight. Downward facing dog really helps though.

My shins didn’t love sightseeing in Denver, but the hubby was really good about taking breaks. We bought tickets to the IMAX theater in the Natural History Museum just so I could sit for a while. And the food was great, even though we had to skip all the breweries and Coors tour.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 21

It’s a boy!

Alright, I’ll admit it. I’m relieved it’s a boy.

Boys are easier. High energy, but easier. Note - I’m not saying “easy”, I’m saying “easier”. Girls have dresses and skirts and pigtails and pierced ears. You throw some pants on a boy and he’s good to go.

Besides, I noticed something in the way society treats girls and boys. Girls are frequently complimented on the way they look.

Look at that dress! You are such a princess!
Your little girl is so pretty!
You’re going to be pretty like your mom one day.

Sound familiar? I know all of us are guilty of saying these at some point.

Boys get complimented on the things they do.

Nice hit, slugger!
Good catch!
Look how fast he can run!
So brave on those swings!

Do you see the difference? Actions are valued, even if they are athletic actions. I had made the decision weeks ago that if it was a girl, to make every effort to praise actions, not looks. She would feel her worth in the things she did, not the way her dress matched her shoes.

But it’s okay, because it’s a boy!

I also like boys’ names better. I have one picked out but haven’t started that fight with the hubby yet. He named the dog Colby. Colby is a cheese. We should get more dogs and name them Cheddar and Jack.

At least we know the sex now and the real planning (and arguing) can begin.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 20

We find out the sex at the end of this week! The proper word is sex, not gender by the way. I learned this. Gender is a social construct of expectations, roles, and responsibilities. Sex is physical. I suppose we could have a girl with a male gender, but let’s keep it simple for now.

Anyway, I’m excited to know for a multitude of reasons.
1. So I won’t have to keep answering, “what are you having?” “Are you going to find out?”
2. It’s a major milestone. After this, we can paint, and make a registry, and not have to guess on the daycare application forms.
3. So we can start thinking arguing about names.
4. It makes talking about the baby easier. Pronouns are convenient.

I do have a preference in mind, but I’d be crazy to tell anyone. That will guarantee the opposite. Anyway, there is no point in saying it because I have no control over it, and I don’t want anyone to assume I’m disappointed. I won’t be.

It’s like wondering what big surprise your spouse has planned for your birthday. He’s been hinting at it for weeks. Is it a trip to the beach or a trip to the mountains?? Maybe you prefer the beach slightly more than the mountains, but in the end, it’s still a vacation and it’s still awesome.

That’s why I won’t be disappointed. Still a baby. Still awesome.

As for me, the extreme exhaustion let up. I was feeling better this weekend, and had a great day on Monday. I worked all day, walked the dog, made collars, helped clean out a kitchen drawer, and still was awake enough to watch TV. Hubby kept asking me if I wanted to rest, and I was like, “nope! I feel great!” I felt like myself again. Tuesday and Wednesday weren’t as chipper, but at least I didn’t feel crazy tired.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 19

The rage for the most part has passed. Or I’m handling it better. Not sure. Or I’m just too tired to care. I’ve been enormously busy and stressed at work, and I’m starting to feel like the exhaustion has hit rock bottom.

Meanwhile, I’m definitely showing. It’s to the point where people say, “Are you....” and they trail off because they realize it’s a rude question. Like asking half the question is less rude. I usually say, “No, I just discovered beer and it’s fantastic.” I mean, what else can explain the rapid belly protrusion?

Of course I’m pregnant you dummies. Check out the maternity wardrobe with the rouched sides.

Since people are dummies, I make a point to touch my stomach because that’s what pregnant ladies do. Beer bellies don’t get rubbed. It helps people figure it out without asking the question.

We’re making progress though. We’re on the waiting list at one daycare, and the house remodel is done. All new floors, counters, sink, and next week we’ll do the backsplash and lighting in the kitchen. Because Baby needs tile on the wall. I feel better about having new hardwood and new carpet in the house because we’re probably going to spend more time on the floor in 2013.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Elevator Etiquette

As a pregnant lady, I take the elevator more often. It's tough carrying my laptop, gym bag, lunch, and purse everyday. I'm not lugging them up two flights of steps.

Now, there are plenty of rules for the elevator. Don't stand too close. Don't talk too loud. Don't try to make friends. Don't push the button for one floor up or down. Take the stairs.

And please, men, don't be chivalrous. Just step out of the elevator will you?

Let's analyze this. You are holding an automatic door open for me. From your perspective, that manly hand of yours is holding the powerful doors of death open so I can safely enter and exit the elevator. Are you kidding me? This isn't something that's going to swing shut in my face. It's an automatic sliding door. We're good here. I got this. There is significant enough time to step across the threshold without the doors closing. And if they do, I put my purse between them and they magically open again.

It's nice you want to do something polite for me. I'm happy to let you hold an actual door open. This is an elevator though. I have to gather my bags and squeeze around you, while everyone else juggles their stuff because you simply couldn't walk through the door when it opened.

You are taking "ladies first" a little too seriously. It's like when the show ends at the movie theater. You are sitting at an aisle seat but see a woman in the middle of the row. Do you hold your chair back for her as she shuffles past everyone else to be the first one out of the row? No, you don't. You leave the row single file in an orderly way.

The elevator is no different. Just because I'm standing at the back does not mean all the men need to shuffle to the sides to let me out first. Yes, I'm huge. Yes, I'm carrying 4 bags. Both of those were my choices. Put one foot in front of the other and leave the elevator single file.

Okay, maybe this is a minor irritant, but I hate it when people don't do the rational, efficient thing.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 18

And the boobs hurt again. This is kinda a minor mystery. I measured myself and there is no change in size, but damn is that bra digging into me. It’s leaving marks on my skin. I think they are getting heavier, without getting bigger, and it hurts. I ordered a maternity bra, but it looks like a normal bra from the picture. I also bought a bra extender, so maybe that will help.

Meanwhile, life is uncomfortable again.

The hormones are hard to control. I have fits of rage. I don’t know what brings it on really. All I know is that I’m tired all the time and if something doesn’t go according to my plan - RAGE. Good company I do not make. Things that were irritating before now make me want to behead people with the grim reaper’s scythe. I was never any good at swallowing my words, but now it’s nearly impossible. They shall be punished!

And yes, I do make plans for the day. When I’m in the shower, I think about what I’ll make for breakfast. Then what I’ll do after breakfast, what I’ll get accomplished, and then I’ll think about everything that can go wrong and make contingency, Plan B plans. I’ve been like this since college, when I had so much stuff to do, plans were the only way to get it all done.

When things slip to Plan C and Plan D, that’s when I get irritated and lash out. Only during pregnancy, this turns into RAGE. I realize this is borderline OCD with a dash of major control issues. I don’t try to control other people, but I do try to control my day. There is a difference. I don’t force anyone to do what they don’t want to do, and I ask they do the same of me.

So this is tough.

I’ve been working from home more and that’s improved things greatly. I’m not so tired during the week and I get a break from people. It’s a working solution until I’m feeling less vengeful.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Book Review - Scourge

Overall, Scourge was a good book. And hey, look, it's available for $0.99 on your Amazon Kindle right now.

It's YA, post-apocalyptic, romance, with zombies, and racism.

The world-building was good, the romance was a page-turner, and the character development was spot on. It was written very well. Still, I have a few bones to pick.

The racism threw me a little because you'd think in a struggling society that never has enough food or water, there would be more pressing matters than skin color. The village was suffering because of the segregation, and I kept waiting for someone to give a good reason on why their culture was like this, but it never came.

Has no one ever heard of a pulley? So here's the gist of the story: Fennel, the protagonist, is blind. For some reason, the Scourge (aka zombies) leave her alone. So when the Scourge comes to town, as they do periodically, Fennel has to go outside to fetch water for her people. She carries the water in oilskin sacks by either dragging it or putting it on a sled that she has to push.

Seriously, this is the best innovation humans can come up with? How about a pulley and rope? How about building a tree walk above the water hole with a pump and bucket system? Do you know long irrigating and plumbing have been around? How dumb is this?

There were too many Big Reveals. So yeah, there were secrets for Fennel to uncover. That's typical in any book. It was just a few too many life-changing secrets though, many of which she wasn't even curious about. One scene went like this:

Well, we're out in the woods alone so there's some things you should know. I will tell you three massive things in this paragraph alone that will make everything you know about life obsolete.

Noo!! It can't be! I will retch behind this tree from the revelations!

I was getting a little tired of the Big Reveals. You reach a point where the plot twists are no longer cliffhangers and become eye rolls.

Even so, the book was entertaining enough to recommend to others, and definitely worth a buck from Amazon.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 17

Most everyone knows by now. Which is a good thing because that means cards and presents and hand-me-down clothes!

There still are a bunch of people we have not told yet - like Hubby’s extended relatives and Facebook acquaintances. Don’t judge, it’s actually difficult to tell people. For 12-13 weeks, we kept a huge, life-changing secret to ourselves. That’s over 3 months. You can’t flip a switch and suddenly let the information out fire-hose style. I still find it awkward telling people. I usually say, “I have news” and make some gesture to my belly. Or I say, “I will be on maternity leave in February.” I found it hard to switch from secrecy to megaphone overnight.

What’s new this week? Clothes!! My cousin gave me a box of maternity clothes! And they fit!! I have pants, dresses, and a few shirts, but will need to buy a couple more to round out the wardrobe. I also got a box of unisex baby clothes, a bassinet, and a swing. Family rules!

The bassinet and swing double as dog training devices. They have baby smell.

Also new - heartburn. WTF this hurts. And my god does the fatigue ever go away? At least I found people to commiserate with. There’s an online forum for expectant mothers in the DC area. Who knew that bagels and cream cheese was a pregnancy thing? I thought it was just me. I go through 6 bagels a week and a whole container of cream cheese. The forum also has great advice on daycares and nannies as well as what to expect. Everyone posts anonymously so there’s no judging.

So yeah, we’re making progress!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Kindle Sales

Amazon has a lot of sales on ebooks right now. Here are a few to check out, either for yourself or as gifts.

The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch is available for $1.99. I really like this series. The best I can describe it is children's horror. It's middle grade, easy read, very entertaining. It's about an 11 year old boy who becomes the Spook's apprentice. The Spook is the guy responsible for ridding the county of bogarts, witches, ghouls, ghosts, and other nasties.

The Body Finder is available for $2.99. A lot of people liked this book, which is why I'm telling you about it. I liked some of it. I thought the protagonist had to be rescued too much and the ending was dumb. But what do I know because it has 5 star reviews on Amazon.

Here's another one I didn't love, but others did. The Thief also has 5 star reviews on Amazon. I had an issue with the POV. For $1.99, you can probably overlook any minor issues though.

Call me corny, I liked Angelfire. It's a teen romance novel, but the male character, Will, was awesome. The story got better and better as the book went on. You just have to suffer through the beginning where the protagonist gets over her teenage self and comes into her angelfire-wielding, monster-fighting powers.

I haven't read this yet, but I picked up Scourge for myself through the Amazon Kindle lending library. You can borrow a book for free once a month. Hello, December. Or you could buy it for $0.99. Another 5 star review on Amazon.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 16

Good thing I ordered those maternity pants because nothing fits. Also, these pants are awesome. I always hesitant to buy something where the size is simply “petite small” because that is not descriptive enough; people aren’t small, medium, and large. But these are elastic. They fit great. They fit better than my usual jeans and work clothes. Why don’t people wear these all the time? They are flattering and comfortable.

I told everyone at work. I figured it was time since I was wearing elastic pants, and when I look down, my belly is even with my new C-cup boobs. Besides, it is 4 months. That’s right, we’re measuring time in months now, not weeks.

People are work were (mostly) happy. I don’t blame those who couldn’t care less. My 12 week absence next year will result in more work for people. I did get a lot more work after the announcement, which I also understand. I do a lot of stuff around here, and they want to make sure it gets done before my maternity leave. It hasn’t helped the fatigue much at all. Come 2:30 and I’m useless.

It also means I have to work more with my coworkers. I now have to train a guy on everything I’ve been doing so he can take over. That sucks. It slows me down and I hates it, my precious. Oh and I found out yesterday that one of my new work projects includes a trip to Hawaii to meet with our partners out there.

The trip will happen in January.

After my 30 week, no travel for you, doctor’s deadline.

Trainee gets to go in my place.

The rest of this blog will be a massive, glaringly loud, makes sailors blush, CURSE WORD.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Shock Collar

I recently got my dog the DogTek Canicom 200 Electronic Dog Collar.

Go ahead internets, spout your hate. I already feel like a failure for resorting to shocking my dog.

The thing is though, in the last month, we lost 3 pillows, 1 shoe, and rescued countless socks from the jaws of death. Forget reaching into his mouth to get the item out; the only safe way to do it is to get a leash, have him follow you around the house, and don't even look at him until he drops the item. Praise him like he's Jesus when he finally does drop the sock.

You'd think after years of that, the positive reinforcement for dropping the item should've kicked in by now. He still steals stuff and gets nasty when you reach for it.

And haters, I do exercise my dog. He gets playtime in the yard in the morning. He gets 30-40 min walk after work. He gets more yardtime before dinner. He also gets 10-15min indoor playtime where we either play tug or hide a toy and he finds it. Then on the weekends, we go to a park for 1-2 hours of hiking.

If anything, this dog gets too much attention, especially with a baby on the way. Yeah. I'm 29 weeks pregnant and my dog snaps when you reach for stuff in his mouth. Excellent scenario. This is a dog who passed the Canine Good Citizen test too.

So fine. I bought a shock collar. Hate me.

But you know, it's working. We had him wear it around the house for a week before we even put batteries in the remote. Just so he gets used to it and doesn't associate anything bad with it. I also do lots of praise and petting when I put the collar on.

The first time we shocked him was during one of his worst temper tantrums. He had already destroyed a flip flop and was guarding the pieces like a mama bear. He started growling even if you looked at him.

Set the stun gun to level 3 and hit the button. (It goes to 10, and yes hubby tested it on himself first. It feels like pins and needles at 3. Probably even less for the dog with his fur.)

The dog froze in place like, "WTF was that?!?" He still had the destroyed shoe in his mouth, so he got zapped again. This time he dropped it and headed off to his bed. Probably scared him, the poor thing. Anyway, praise all around for dropping the shoe.

The next time we used it, he had the same shoe. Since it was already destroyed, we left it laying around to use as a training mechanism. The dog gave it up again, but lunged when we tried to pick it up. Zap, zap, zap. This time he held onto it and just got zapped a bunch of times. Nothing. I didn't want to up the volume so I got the leash instead.

1 success, 1 failure. It's a work in progress.

We continued the training at the park. The dog is notorious for rolling in crap. Last time we were at this particular park, he rolled in crap 11 times. You'd think there would not be so much crap within 30 feet of the trail, but there is. Apparently the forest is just filled with crap and dead things.

Haters, I know the obvious solution is to keep the dog on the leash. That gives him barely any exercise though. I have a high-energy breed (vizsla) that needs to run and swim and sniff. The weekend outings are his stress relief. It also means driving home with your nose plugged, windows open, and an intense bath.

The shock collar worked great here. We had to turn it up to 4 to overcome the extra distractions in the woods. As soon as the dog dipped his shoulder, he got zapped. He stopped right away. No flipping on his back, no smearing crap in his ears. He just stopped and looked around. We called him back to us for a treat and the sucker came. This happened 3 times.

The collar also has a beep function to get his attention. We used the beep when he was eating grass (makes him puke) and when we saw other people on the trail. He watches other people to see if he needs to protect us and sometimes ignores us when we call him back. Beeping him was a way to snap him out of his people watching and get him on the leash again. Worked twice, great results.

Overall, I'm happy with the results of the collar, even if the inside training needs some work. I still need to accept the fact I'm one of those people who shock my dog, but we've been trying the positive reinforcement techniques for years with very little progress.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Pregnancy Chronices - Week 14&15

Yup, we told the immediate family members. It went pretty much as expected. Everyone is happy and excited.

Generally it’s more of the same. I feel good, my pants don’t fit, and I’m struggling to stay awake most afternoons. At least now I have some people to commiserate with, other than myself in this currently off-line blog. Though I found that most people don’t want to hear my complaints, they just want the happy stuff. Here are a few questions I’ve been asked:

1. What are you craving?
cheese fries, white rice, apples, and salads. Yeah, fruit and veggies taste better. Also, pickles are AH-MAZING.

2. How do you feel?
Tired. Gassy. The headaches are real annoying too.

3. Do you know the gender?
Not until week 20 - October 5th.

4. Are you getting the nursery ready?
Nope. There’s a treadmill in the way. We have to hire people to move it. First though, we are going to replace the floors downstairs because I don’t want a baby crawling around on linoleum that looks dirty no matter how hard you clean.

5. Are you excited?
Yup. Super-duper.

6. Are you having twins?
What? WTF, no. I would’ve mentioned that in the first, “hey we’re pregnant” announcement. I’ve been asked this twice, and I’m not sure where it’s coming from. I can still fit into my old clothes (barely). I did order 4 maternity pants.

So yeah, the immediate family members know. I have to tell them at work next week.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Book Review - Insignia

Insignia is one of those hyped-up books that everyone is excited about. There's even a movie deal. It's currently for sale on Amazon Kindle for $2.99 if you've been wanting to read it.

This book has gotten a lot of good reviews; generally people love it. It's about a 14 year old boy who gets recruited by the Pentagon to be a virtual combatant in WWIII. It's a war where no one dies because all the fighting is done virtually. The ships and other equipment are real, so the only real losses are monetary.

Oh and there aren't any real nations involved. Just corporations. That's a big thing in the book, how large corporations allied with each other to take over the world. Nationalities really don't matter any more.

Well, I didn't see what other people saw in this book. It wasn't that funny and there wasn't much of a plot. Boy gets recruited, boy makes friends, boy gets himself in different situations that he must get out of. Once he's at the Pentagon, there isn't any quest for him or major obstacle. One time he runs into trouble with one of the corporations. Another time it's with his programming teacher. Then it's with an enemy combatant.

I felt like it jumped around too much from one issue to the next. There wasn't a central obstacle for him to overcome. No mission to blow up the Death Star, no major conflict, no life-and-death stakes. I think that's why it took me a few days to read. The stakes weren't high enough to keep me interested in what happened next.

In the end, I didn't like, but a lot of other people did. I can't in good faith give you a thumbs up on this one, but if you are looking for a scifi book that others liked, here's one for $2.99.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 13.5

I guess it’s actually week 14, but that seems like an enormous number. So let’s go with 13.5.

The time has come to tell his family. We’re driving 4 hours after work to hang out with the in-laws this weekend. At least I hope it’ll be 4 hours. With traffic we’ll be lucky to do it in 5.

I want to take a second to capture the weirdness of pregnancy.

1. Dreams
Dreams are much more vivid and more easily remembered. In fact, if I have a dream about work, during the day I can’t tell if that’s a real memory or a dream. That’s messed up, I know. It takes a little bit of thought, but I can usually sort out the difference.

2. Food
Okay, so cravings are not unusual. The way things taste is different. Today for lunch, I wanted a hot dog. So I bought one. It was terrible! It was like someone dropped it in the ocean then threw it in the microwave! How can anyone screw up a hot dog?

Maybe they didn’t; maybe my taste buds changed.

This has been happening a lot. Hubby will make our favorite foods for dinner. I take one bite and suddenly don’t want to eat it. It’s been strange (and frustrating) determining which foods I like and don’t like.

3. Clothes
Today is the first day I can’t button my pants. This is kinda bad news because I just bought these pants a few weeks ago in a bigger size. Now I’m wearing a belly band to cover the button hole. Honestly, I think it’s just bloating and swelling, but it’s no fun doing laundry every couple of days and wearing the same clothes over and over because they are the only thing that fits.

Buy more, you say? Okay, what size? I’m going to have to buy maternity clothes, even though I feel it’s pretty early in the pregnancy to take the leap to an all elastic wardrobe.

4. Fatigue
I’ve been complaining about this for weeks, but dang am I tired. 8:30pm rolls around and I’m done. I push myself to stay awake for another hour, but that’s my limit. I have to pick super-exciting interesting books just to keep up with my reading challenge.

I find certain things difficult. Like staying awake at my desk after lunch. Hanging tough through my gym workout. (which btw, is light elliptical for 25 minutes). Long walks with the dog; he has to drag my ass up the hill back to the house. Playing hide-and-seek with the dog at 9:00pm. Standing for a long time in the kitchen. Carrying the dog food bag from the store to the car.

5. Memory
I feel so forgetful. My next semester starts in a few weeks. I enrolled, got the class paid for by my employer, researched the professors....I just remembered today that I have to order textbooks. I’m a dolt.

Things come to me in flashes. OMG I can’t believe I forgot that! I’ll forget it again a few hours later, but remember the feeling of the flash. For example, the camera. I was making collars last night and I said, “Dang! I need to pack the camera this weekend because [blank].” I can’t remember the reason. The next time I saw the camera, though, I made sure to pack it. No idea why.

Yeah, I still can’t remember. Nor can I think of any activity we’d do that would absolutely require a camera. Maybe it was a dream.

Update: Hours later, I remembered why we needed a camera. We are stopping by a National Park on the way home. Hot damn, I do have a brain.