
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 9

I’m really starting to feel like myself again. I still get an occasional bout of nausea here and there, but it’s not as strong as it was.

I’m myself, and I’m not. Since when does peanut butter make my stomach hurt? Why does garlic smell like dead swamp? And what’s with all the belching? I also have a new trick. I can smell a McDonalds 12 seconds before it’s visible. I so want to eat some too.

I’m definitely gaining weight. I don’t know how much because I’m not one of those people who is going to step on a scale every week. I eat when I’m hungry, and I make sure I get exercise. Though lately, hungry is every two hours and exercise has been cut back to a mild elliptical routine of 20 minutes and 10 minutes of strength training. It’s 99 degrees; both the dog and I agree not to walk. I still do yoga once a week, but it’s becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

One thing that makes me sad is the forgetfulness. I read this is a common symptom of pregnancy and is due to the hormones. I forgot to water the garden last night. I forgot tote bags for the farm share. I forgot to tell Hubby we aren’t dog sitting today. I forgot to review a document at work. This is somewhat upsetting because generally I have my shit together. I’m pretty reliable with plans, back-up plans, contingency plans, and attention to detail. I’m not anal, just reliable and consistent. Now I’m lucky if I remember to pack socks and a hair tie in my gym bag.

I’m getting used to the idea though. When people stop by my cubicle, I no longer hear the internal screech, “Lemme alone I’m pregnant I don’t wanna deal with this!” I just handle it, like I always did.

Fatigue is still a problem. It’s nearly impossible to stay awake after 9:30pm. I took a nap on the couch last Sunday that ended up being 2.5 hours. It’s really cutting into my reading schedule. I think I’m going to fall behind my Goodreads challenge. At least I can add a few pregnancy books after we make the announcement.
Speaking of which, I would really like to wait until after Labor Day weekend. My friend is having a gigantic, couples-invited, baby shower on September 1st. I want her to have all the attention. The problem is, I’ll be about 15 weeks by then. I don’t think I’ll be able to hide it. I’m barely doing it now, wearing the baggiest clothes I have.

We’ll just wait and see, I guess. The next doctor appointment is in a few days.

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