
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Book Review - The Iron King

Ugh, what the hell people? Several respected book bloggers have called this outstanding. I think it's outstanding this book managed to get published at all.

The author's writing isn't bad. It does suck you into the story right away. The problem is everything that happens next.

One, it borrows all the characters from Midsummer Night's Dream. Puck, Titania, Oberon, etc. It had a fan fiction feel to it.

Two, the heroine is a blundering idiot. I counted 5 times where she was in mortal peril and a male character rushed in the nick of time, sword blazing. FIVE TIMES.

Three, she is constantly warned not to make deals or contracts with any of the fey. She does so 4 times. FOUR TIMES.

Four, I kept thinking about the movie Labyrinth. I'm pretty sure this book was an homage to Labyrinth and Midsummer Night's Dream. She was trying to get her brother back who had been taken by a fey king and came across all kinds of creatures and obstacles on the way.

Five, the family put their beloved dog in the pound in the beginning of the book. I think that's when I started hating it.

Six.....forget it, who cares. There wasn't much redeemable about this book. Just don't read it.

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