
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 7

Week 7
I’m not as thirsty as much. Though I’m making an effort to consume more water than usual because I read it helps with nausea.

I threw up yesterday. First time.

And the doctor called. She apologized for taking so long to get back to me and for the initial diagnosis of a blighted ovum. So there’s that, at least. Honestly she seemed sympathetic that I originally went for treatment of an ovarian cyst and now have a baby. She promised to walk us through it and answer all our stupid questions. I did admit to being unprepared. Hubby is going to the library today to get books.

So back to the puking. It’s not at all like you see in the movies. I realize romantic comedies tune it down, but there was nothing cutesy or funny about it. You feel god awful, sweat is pouring off you, and whole chunks of food come up. Did I even chew? It takes a couple of minutes and few flushes.

I’m determined not to experience that again. I will eat smaller meals and drink water even if I don’t want it. Even if it makes my belly bloat and pants tight. You know when Gandalf stands on the bridge in Moria and screams at the Balrog, “You shall not pass!”? I Will Not Puke.

Meanwhile I’m dreading going to back to work. Between the storm last week, widespread power outages, July 4th, and annual leave, I did not have to work much this week. About 5 hours total in the office. Actually I got work call at home and couldn’t concentrate. I didn’t know who called or what they wanted because all I could think was, “Leave me alone! I just woke up and I’m pregnant.” I told whoever it was to call back Monday.

Yes, it was 0930 and I was just starting my morning. The fatigue is something else. I’m averaging about 11 hours of sleep per day. Which makes sense. When things grow, they need sleep. Babies, puppies, and all infants across the animal kingdom. They eat, sleep, shit, and grow. Well both me and peanut kid are growing, so it makes sense to sleep.

It won’t help me go back to work Monday. I’ll be asleep at my desk, between rounds of eating and puking, sometimes belching, foregoing my usual lunchmeat sandwich, and wearing super tight pants. Hubby thinks no one will notice, but how can they not.

Oh and we did a quick calculation of the due date. Feb 16 is our guess. Doctor needs to confirm though. Again, I think this is off because I don’t have a 28 day cycle. I think it’ll be late February.

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