
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 6

Week 6
I dragged poor hubby to his first ultrasound appointment. Actually that’s not  true. He wanted to come. And why not? He has just as much at stake as I do.

Besides, I wanted someone to pepper the ultrasound tech with questions so we didn’t have to wait for the doctor to call. The tech was cool; her name was Mindy. Turns out we didn’t even need to ask her questions because that little peanut of a fetus popped up on the screen right away, with the weirdly pulsating cardiac organ.

I thought it was freaky, Hubby thought it was awesome, Mindy thought it was the cutest thing ever. Later we told her we were expecting a blighted ovum and she nearly cried.

Don’t get me wrong, I was thrilled. We were now officially pregnant! Even had our first ultrasound picture to take home. Though I’m sorry, the pulsing grain of rice in my bloating, cramping abdomen was freaky.

Yes I was still experiencing big time cramps and bloating. That’s been going for 4 weeks at this point. I really only feel better when I’m laying down.

Speaking of which, major fatigue this week. I can’t even tell you. The very next day after we got the big news, a massive storm hit us overnight. It’s a special kind of storm called a derecho, which is Spanish for “straight”. Basically it’s a straight wind tornado.

It hit us in the middle of the night without warning. Hubby was shaking me, saying we’re losing the patio umbrella and the glass table, trees were falling down, the fence was gone.....

Um, I didn’t even wake up. Not through the thunder, not the 80mph winds, not the CRRRACCKKK of the tree falling against all our other trees and having them cascade down to utterly crush the fence. Hubby had to close the umbrella himself, but ended up letting go before it carried him over the deck.

We lost power a couple of times, but I was only aware of it once. That was when I had to pee in the middle of the night.

So yeah, add insane fatigue and tiny bladder onto the cramping and bloating. I can barely make it through the day without a nap.

I did notice some nausea, but entirely manageable. If I eat a bunch of small meals throughout the day, don’t get too hungry or too full, I lose the urge to vomit. Bonus!

I am sucking down water like a camel though. I’m up to 4 water bottles a day. I don’t get that, but okay.

Oh and I nearly forgot! Remember last week the fetus didn’t show up on the ultrasound? Mindy the ultrasound tech said the doctor was a week off. I was 6 weeks pregnant, not 7, and that’s why nothing showed up last week. Because week 5 is a bit too early to see anything.

So why the miscalculation? Because I don’t have a 28 day cycle. It’s more like 30-35 and that’s when it’s being consistent. If the doctor assumed ovulation 2 weeks after my last period, she’d be wrong. It’s more like 3 weeks.

As I’m writing this, I haven’t heard back from the doctor yet. We’re still waiting for her to take a look at the ultrasound. But it’s unmistakable. There’s a pulsating grain of rice in there.

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