
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 8

Week 8
The nausea has stopped. Miraculously! I don’t know what good karma I earned to deserve this, but it’s not nearly as bad as before. The only thing I changed was I started taking my vitamins at night instead of in the morning. Only because I didn’t want to puke them up. Maybe that had an effect, maybe it didn’t, but who cares the nausea is gone.

Well, not completely. I still feel ill at certain times. Usually when I get up in the morning and walk around the room. Also again when I’m at the gym working out. Sometimes right after dinner. And if I bend down with my head below my hips, I get dizzy and nauseated. But I can deal with that. It’s a shit-load better than feeling sick all the time.

I know the books warn about a sudden cessation of symptoms. I’m not worried. I developed some nice back pain that has spread to my shoulders and neck. Also still pretty tired. The bloating and cramping decreased as well. Food cravings have kicked in big time. I have a favorite stall in the bathroom at work. Also I can’t drink anything after 9:00pm or I will need to pee twice during the night.

The food cravings are actually pretty funny. Though you need some background info on my husband and myself. He’s a great cook. He can cook anything I ask him to, and do it better than most restaurants. I don’t know how or why he does it, it’s just something he is great at.

As for me, I like to make decisions. He usually asks me what I want for lunch or dinner, or what to buy at the store. I’m already somewhat used to food cravings because when he asks me for a decision, a dish usually pops into my brain right away. In the past few months alone (pre-pregnancy) he has made me Vietnamese Pho, spring rolls, fish tacos, sesame chicken, spinach dip, handmade pizza, loco moco, pasta salad, and pretty much whatever else I could think of.

The pregnancy food cravings are slightly different. If I don’t get what I want, I don’t accept substitutes well. I get unhappy and keep thinking about the food I really wanted.

Cheese fries.

Cheese fries!

Cheese fries!!


I almost stopped at McDonald’s on my way home from work on Thursday. Salty, fried, potato goodness!

I didn’t because I have a supportive guy at home who usually makes whatever I want. Only now we’re in pregnancy phase, I’m starting to realize he’s only satisfying my cravings for fruit, veggies, and dairy.

Whenever I wanted a fruit smoothie, I got one. He cut up strawberries, bananas, watermelon, and whipped out the blender. Same with zucchini chips, sliced peaches, part of a banana, grape tomatoes, a glass of milk, spinach and noodles, tomato and mozzarella salad, and mashed potatoes with cauliflower.
Last night I asked for cheese fries. I got 3 meatballs and a glass of milk. (I need meat for the iron, and the tomato sauce is a good serving of vegetables.)

Today he wanted to play golf with a buddy. I told him if he gets to play golf, I get cheese fries. He believed me even though I totally don’t have any issue with him hanging out with friends, getting exercise. I’ve never had a problem with it. Still I saw an opportunity and took it because I WANT CHEESE FRIES.

Also, I ate an entire box of Cheezits this week. Delicious salty cheese crackers! I eat you!

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