
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 7.5

Week 7.5
I’m at work eating a Fiber One bar, trying not to puke. Don’t get me wrong, the granola bar is tasty and it helps with digestion. Still, the nausea is taking 90% of my concentration and staying awake another 10%. Which doesn’t leave much left for this blog and my work.

The fatigue is still a problem. I went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept all the way through to my alarm at 5:45. The dog and I are having competitions to see who can nap the hardest. He’s winning, but he had way more practice than me.

We did get some books for the library. That’s both been helpful and harmful. It had a few good tips about the nausea. Small meals, lots of water, rest. They do help. However it does say that fatigue is normal, but extreme fatigue is a symptom of anemia and diabetes. So now I’m worrying about that. I see the doctor again in two weeks, so I’ll ask then.

Some of the advice in the book is unreasonable. “If you feel tired, take a nap during your lunch break.” Um yeah right. They will send me home on sick leave or tell me to see the doctor. Or I’ll be sent to counseling for alcohol or drug use. Naps at lunch are only acceptable for old men and migraine sufferers.

I had to make up something. My cubicle neighbors have noticed how tired I look. When covering the truth, I believe in giving 90% truth, 10% lie. So I told them, “I’ve been really tired lately. I think I could be anemic. I’m seeing the doctor in 2 weeks.” Everything I said was true, but still could be considered a lie of omission.  I’m a very good secret keeper.

Hubby has been very supportive, as usual. He picked up extra dog playing duties at night since I’m so exhausted. And he made me chicken noodle soup from scratch so I have something besides PB&J for lunch. He keeps calling me “half the family” and laughs that his vote used to count when we made decisions. It still does count, but we’re voting with different priorities now. So it feels like everything has changed already.

Like garlic. The smell of garlic is awful. Eating it is even worse. I had a great idea to dehydrate some garlic cloves to make my own garlic powder. I made it through a few bulbs before I couldn’t take it anymore. Two days later, the cloves are still in the dehydrator because I can’t bring myself to touch them. Besides, I don’t think I have enough to make a teaspoon of powder.

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