
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Book Review - Gone Girl

I'm not going to give away any spoilers for Gone Girl. That means I can't do an as-thorough review as I would like, but this is a book that should not be spoiled. It's dark, twisty, and secrets pop out every other page.

You know how the Kindle lets you highlight passages from the book and tells you how many others have highlighted that section as well? The beginning of Gone Girl was FLOODED with highlights. Even I added some of my own. It hooks you in by talking about marriage and relationships, and you think to yourself, yes! this is what my marriage is like! this is what we fight about too!

Then the highlights drop off immediately as secrets are revealed and not everything is as it seems. It starts off relatable but changes into a very dark, nasty story.

It's not for everyone. The plot and the characters may be hard to like. At one point, I was hoping for everyone in the book to shoot each other like some kind suicide cult.

The writing, though, is unparalleled. If you are looking for a strong voice, POV, character development, cliffhangers, and perfectly timed twists, definitely check out Gone Girl.

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