
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 10

Week 10
We had our first official pregnancy exam. Just general tests for baseline health. They took six (6!) vials of blood. Hubby had to come because I can’t deal with someone deliberately taking blood from me. Injuries, no problem. Needles, problem.

But anyway, February 20, 2013 is the official date!

Holy shit that’s close.

The doctor gave us more stuff to read, but mostly it’s Fisher Price trying to sell us stuff. All promotional items. That’s okay, brochures are worthwhile too.

Mostly, I’ve noticed that other couples in these books or those in the “tell your story” section are always “it’s our first pregnancy and we’re so uber duber super excited!”. In comparison to them, we appear almost ambivalent.

Obviously we’re excited. But we’re also methodical planners. When the doctor and nurses congratulated us 3-4 times, we just said thanks and kept asking questions. Maybe it did suck the fun out of the appointment, but we left with a lot more knowledge.

For example, I have the next 6 weeks planned out. There’s our first trimester ultrasound in two weeks. They want to take more blood from me at that time. The results come back in 5 days. There’s a follow-up with the doctor after the results are back (already scheduled). Once the doctor confirms there are no abnormalities, we will drive down to my parents’ house that day (or the next) to give them the news. The next weekend, we will do the same for his parents. The next weekend after that, there is a baby shower for a mutual friend. I want her to have the spotlight. After the party, I will tell my cousin Erin to spread the word since we’re staying at her house. The next day, I will post on Facebook. That Monday, I will inform the boss.

Yes, I know this sounds overplanned and joy-sucking. It’s just how my brain functions. I handle everything this way. I don’t know when fun got equated with spontaneity, but there are plenty of happy fun times ahead of us even with my tendency to plan each day.

Meanwhile, I’m feeling really good, symptom-wise. I have started crying at really stupid movies, like Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I hope this crying stuff doesn’t carry over to work. I have a reputation for being a solid, hard-ass worker. I mean to keep that.

Actually, work is the hardest part. The easy days, I can handle. The days where I’m running around and three things are due (but I can’t remember what they are because the hormones made me forget)....the busy days are the worst. I don’t have the energy to get through it. Two days ago, I went to bed at 7:30pm.  I read for two hours then passed out.

Last night, I could barely do the yoga poses. I had to rest my arms during the warrior series. They felt like lead weights. I went home, sat on the couch, then hubby shook me awake for dinner. After dinner, I took a 10 minute nap so I had enough energy to play ball with the dog. The running around helped. I managed to stay awake until 8:30. I woke up again at 9:30, went to bed, read for 10 minutes, and when the alarm went off at 5:45am, I felt like I got an hour of sleep.

This fatigue is insane.

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