
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 36

So only 4 weeks away. People are coming out of the woodwork with their early baby stories.

My baby came 4 weeks early.

Mine came 3 weeks early.

I went to my doctor's checkup and was already dilated 3cm.

I was dilated 5cm and was sent right over to the hospital!

Mostly, I'm good at ignoring people. Sometimes I do think to myself, "well shit. What if the baby comes this week?" 

And if he did come 4 weeks early, it wouldn't be a disaster. It would be a scramble, but within control. Yes, there is a ladder in the nursery. Yes, the wiring is hanging out of the wall. No, not everything has been washed. But we do have a bassinet, diapers, and some outfits. We have bibs and boppies and burp cloths and blankets. We'd be fine.

Speaking of the nursery, yes there are wires hanging out of the wall. I think the talk of people's babies coming early freaked the husband out. He decided last weekend that we absolutely needed an overhead light in the nursery. So he got several books on wiring, climbed into the attic, started fiddling with the light sockets, and pretty much took stuff apart. That's fine. Everyone deals with stress differently. He'll eventually install the light, or put everything back together.

It would be nice to have a clean, vacuumed nursery with everything put away and decorated with cute crap, but hey. That's for Pinterest. We're living in the real world.

I do have my 36 week doctor checkup in two days. That's when they start measuring the cervix to determine.....well, I'm not sure what they are doing. I suppose checking for overall health, dilation, infection, and whatnot. I'm so used to seeing the doctor weekly that I stopped caring what the appointments were for. Step on the scale, pee in a cup, listen to the heartbeat, see you next week.

Anyway, I suppose it's time to start packing a hospital bag. I'm at the point when people ask, "when are you do?" I can simply say the 20th and not specify the month. If that's not an indication we're getting close, I'm not sure what is.

We did narrow the names down to a top 3. An equal top 3. So we're going to wait to see what the kid looks like before picking the final name. Hopefully he looks the same to both of us and won't be a difficult discussion. On a funny note, while I was cleaning out the nursery closet, I found a notebook that had my handwritten wedding notes, plans, and bridal shower gift list. It also had notes from the trip to the dog's breeder where we put an asterisk next to the puppy with the yellow collar as being the best dog for us. So when I found this notebook, I knew that's where we'd make our naming lists for the baby. I'll also use it for the hospital bag checklist and to track contractions.

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