
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 34

So wow! Big happenings this week. I was thinking about breaking this into two posts - one for the baby shower and one for the childbirth class. But no, it'll just be really long. You might want to get a snack and come back.

First, my shower was awesome. I can't believe how many people came, especially considering it was a drive for most everyone. Some of them I hadn't seen in years. It was surprising to receive that kind of heartfelt support from people, especially since baby showers can be kind of dull, watching a huge uncomfortable woman open gift after gift. I can't think of a good word to describe the feeling seeing the house jammed packed full of relatives who were there for me. Profound enlightenment? Gratitude? It'll come to me. It's humbling to know that even though family may not live close, but they are a phone call, email, or invite away. I'm grateful for that, as I know many people who do not have such support.

And it's not just showing up at the shower. I received beautiful handmade gifts that must've taken FOREVER. People took the time to shop and wrap gifts and showed up with a smile. It's so easy just to send a gift card.

The food was wonderful, the company fantastic, and the gifts generous. I can easily say it was a good day I'll remember forever.

And wow. Did we get some stuff for the baby. We're taking inventory this week of what we have, what we need to get, and how best to use the gift cards in combination with the registry completion discount. We maximize cost effectiveness in our household.

The next day we took a 4 hour childbirth express class at the hospital. It goes over the basics of what you need to know about delivery and labor. It was either this or a 7 week course, 2 hours per week. That wasn't happening.  Anyway, we were subjected to movies, diagrams, and the personal questions of other couples in the class. Pretty gross. There's no way I'm coming out of this with any dignity.

Parts of the class made me feel better; other parts made it worse. The hospital rooms were large and cheerful. The bed allows you to sit completely upright like you are giving birth upon a throne. That was the cool part. The scary stuff was all the medical procedures - episiotomy, Cesarian, even the epidural going dangerously close to your spinal column. Did you know labor hurts a boatload more when you are induced? Because the contractions are medically strengthened. Pass on that thanks.

And I found out that you aren't supposed to use a bottle until the 4th week. That's an entire month where another living creature is entirely dependent on me and no one else. This didn't hit me until now because I have a super supportive husband. We've always done things 50/50; I had a picture  of me doing half the feedings and him doing the other half. Same with diapers and whatever else comes up. I have to say, WTF here.

I left the class a bit more freaked out than reassured. Hubby is only taking the first 2 weeks off before he goes back to work. This to conserve sick leave in case a day care is not available at the end of my 12 week maternity leave.  After those two weeks though, I somehow have to keep an infant alive by myself with only the dog and occasional family members helping out. This is my reward? After 9 months of gestational pains this is what the universe gives me? Insomnia, abandonment, and depression?

Did you know that 80% of new parents suffer from postpartum depression? Out of those 80%, 20% need treatment for it. I learned that in class.

This is nuts. I can't believe just anyone is allowed to be a parent. The government really needs to license this shit.

I think the real purpose of a baby shower is to remind you of all the family you do have. So when you're home alone with a newborn, feeling depressed and abandoned, think about everyone who showed up at the shower and pick a phone number from the list.

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