
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Goodreads Challenge

Alright. I officially fell short of my goal to read 100 books in 2012. But I came damn close. 92 was the final count.

If you're wondering if I actually did read these books, yes I did. Even did reviews for many of them and posted them on this blog. Ask me about any of them, I'll tell you the plot.

I did mostly pick smaller, quicker-to-read books. There was some George RR Martin in there and other high fantasy. Only 2 short stories, which I thought should count since each Martin book was 1,000 pages.

I ended up abandoning 10 books. Those didn't count toward the total because I didn't finish reading them. Because I needed to average 2 books a week, I couldn't afford to waste time on something that dragged or put me to sleep.

I signed up for 2013, but for half as many. With a baby coming this year, I probably won't have the time or the energy to put much into reading. I hope that's not the case because it's one of my favorite things to do. With any luck, I'll hit 50 books by August or September. And no, Goodnight Moon doesn't count.

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