
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Dumb and Incompetent

Sometimes I wonder how people make it through life.

My life and career can be considered "sheltered" but I was always expected to pay for mistakes and operate at the top of my game 100% of the time.

So why isn't this the case with everyone else?

You know who I'm talking about.

The person who always has to be told twice.

The person who keeps emailing you even though you referred them to someone else.

The person who emails you, asking you to change one word in a document then send it back. Like your fingers are magical, and they can't make the change themselves. But they can email you.

The person who schedules a meeting but doesn't book a conference room. Duh?

The person who comes at 1:10 for a 1:00 meeting.

The person who always has computer problems no matter what machine they work on.

The person who can't follow directions.

The person who nods his head enthusiastically, but completely botches the work because he didn't understand the task.

The person who laughs at her mistakes, "OMG I did that!" but takes no effort to fix them or prevent them from happening again.

The person who complains about all the work they have to do, but when you offer to help, mysteriously have nothing to give you.

Well, you get the point, and probably have a few dozen to add to my list. I really would like to know why these people are never held accountable. When self-discipline fails, supervisors need to correct behaviors. Yet no one does ever. So the world is stuck with the dumb and incompetent, simply because no one has pushed them to improve.

I don't mind working for a boss, but sometimes, I do mind working with team members.

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