
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Book Review - Resenting the Hero

If there ever was a case of a mismatched cover, this is it. Everything about the cover screams cutesy, fun, comical, whimsy. Yet the book inside was about life, unfairness, betrayal, power, and finding a way to make the best of out of your situation.

Resenting the Hero was a great book. I didn't want to put it down. The protagonist reminded me of myself, she was that relatable. There was one line that I absolutely loved and will have to steal for my own use. A group of people were complaining about their partners - and some of the stories were awfully tragic. They clearly wanted her to join them and also say how awful her partner was. But she couldn't relate to their stories and stuck up for her partner instead. One of them said, "How can you not react to this?"

She answered, "Because I'm a cold, heartless bitch."

Hahah how awesome is that! She wouldn't bad-mouth someone just for the sake of fitting in and wouldn't accept their scorn either!

It's a great book, and I want to get my hands on the rest of the series. I'm not sure about the cover; that didn't even happen in the story. Actually, there weren't even horses. The characters are well-developed, complex, and dynamic. It wasn't a romance, it was about two people assigned to work together, stuck together for the rest of their lives, and they find a way to make the most of it. I would read about these two characters again in a heartbeat.

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