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Monday, August 13, 2012

Book Review - The Weepers

I can't tell you why I didn't like this book without discussing the ending. I liked it up until a point. I'm not going to spoil anything for you, but it will leave this review incomplete.

This is a seriously fast read. I picked it up at 9:30pm and finished it at 11:30pm. I think it's only 254 pages, but I read it on my Kindle so it's hard to know. I remember checking the progress in the first 15 minutes and seeing I was already 16% thru.

It's also a series. That's not the trouble with the ending though. There is an ending to book 1. It's just very dumb and unbelievable.

I liked how this zombie apocalypse story never used the Z word. It was a variation on the rabies virus, but didn't affect animals. People also had advanced warning and were able to build bunkers and stay in them for years. When people ran out of food though, the zombies were waiting for those bunkers to open.

The book had completely unnecessary flashbacks to the protagonist's life before the rabies happened. Yup, she was a typical teenager. She did teenage things. She had friends. I sorta figured that. I can't figure out why the author needs flashback scenes to reiterate that. Maybe they were just filler to make the book longer? The publisher needed a minimum word count?

The character development wasn't bad. The protagonist wasn't a fighter and was terrified out of her mind, but she still fought to save herself and family. Pretty cool. The hero, Joshua, was complex and bad-ass too. The other supporting characters were poorly developed in comparison.

I don't recommend this book as a must read. If you like apocalypse stories,  fast reads,. or if you had to make a choice between a bad movie or reading a book, think about reading this book. It does turn the pages pretty well, but don't expect to love it.

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