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Monday, June 4, 2012

Book review - Overbite

It's very difficult to do a review of <a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9462815-overbite">Overbite</a> without some spoilers. I will try though.

I love Meg Cabot, but not when she writes like this. The last half of the book was hurried; the last 10% was mashed together with the bare minimum story poking through. That's why it's difficult to do a review on this; most of my issues with it are at the very end.

So know this - the ending sucks.

Not Meg Cabot caliber work. Not a very good sequel at all.

Meena, the protagonist, has the ability to see how everyone will die. This should prevent her from being surprised, no? She was surprised 4 times in the book, by my count.

I think this is an example where conforming to industry word counts hurts the story. Maybe if it were longer, another 100 pages, the story would have room to develop.

If you read the first book in this series, <a href="http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6953500-insatiable">Insatiable</a>, you  might as well read Overbite too. Just to complete the story. Then come back here, and we'll complain about the ending.

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