
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stupid Sayings

There are a lot of stupid sayings out there.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Live each day like it's your last.

If you can dream it, you can do it. 

Live like there is no tomorrow, Sing as if no one can hear, Love like you have never been hurt, Dance as if nobody is watching, Laugh like no one is listening. 

It's 5 0'clock somewhere! 

Try to be the person your dog thinks you are. 

Okay, there are more, but these are ones annoying me lately.

First, what doesn't kill you gives you PTSD. Ask anyone in the VA hospitals. Even if this saying is about broken hearts or whatever, you aren't "stronger". You're scarred. You might actually skip the next guy because you are afraid of getting hurt. What doesn't kill you makes you suffer trauma.

Live each day like it's your last.  What a crock. I wouldn't go to work, would you? By not working, I don't earn money, and therefore would die young on the streets. And I fully intend for my last day to be at home, in bed, blissfully unaware. Oh I know,  this saying wants me to make peace with people, love fully, have adventures. Seriously, I work in a cubicle. This is impossible advice.

No I cannot do everything that I dream. I would like to be a moon colonist one day. I also wouldn't mind being 3 inches taller. Maybe I could buy regular sized pants instead of the petite sizes.

Live like there is no....blah blah blah. If you do this, you are either the world's greatest extrovert or have gone nuts.I guarantee you if you act like this, outside the boundary of the norm, no one will like you. Why aren't there more introvert sayings?

Don't speak unless you thought about it first.
Not everyone wants a hug.
If you have a question and can look it up on the internet, don't ask the person next to you.
Read someone's posture before you start speaking to them. Maybe they don't want to be interrupted.
If someone is reading, leave them alone.

It's 5 O'clock somewhere. Yes it is. And where they are, it's perfectly acceptable to have a drink. However, if you are saying this, you are trying to justify your alcoholic consumption, and if you are  trying to justify your alcoholic consumption, try ordering a soda instead.

Try to be the person your dog thinks you are. What? I am the person he thinks I am. I'm the person who walks him, feeds him, plays with him, and gets mad at him when he steals my shoes. That's kinda the point of having a pet...something to love you for who you are, not your potential.

Hey, here's an idea. Don't rely on used sayings and old tripe to maintain conversations. Use your own brain instead.

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