
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Women and exclamation points

I noticed something just recently that is pretty weird. When women write to each other, especially strangers, an exclamation point is nearly mandatory. In fact, if you don't do this, you come off as cold and unfriendly.

Here's an example from Facebook. My favorite ribbon seller is doing a contest. To enter, you say which ribbon is your favorite and give your email address. I'm not going to do a screenshot in order to protect identities, but here's the the transcript, minus the email addresses.

I loooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeee all the halloween ribbon !!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE The chicken/chickie ribbon!!!!
I love the Minnie Mouse and the owls!
I LOVE the 3/8 kitty inpsired bows. They are just SO cute! 
Holiday ribbon!!!! But I really love them all :)

Can you guess which comment is mine? I'll give you one guess.

I'm not trying to make a statement. I'm just not bubbly, and I don't want to pretend to be bubbly to fit in. I answered the question as it was asked and feel no need to elaborate.

I'm a grown-up, married woman with a higher education and professional career. Shouldn't I act like it? The answer is no, because that's what a snobby bitch would do.

When I converse with my customers, I use exclamation points. 

Thanks so much!
Hope you like it!
Come back again!

If I'm feeling particularly conventional that day, I will throw on an extra exclamation point or three. It's just how you are expected to talk in an email. People want you to match their bubbly tone, and if you don't, you are not friendly.

A lot of emails from customers start with:

OMG I LOOOOOVEEE this! It's so cute! Does it come in......
Your shop is ADORABLE!!!! I love all your collars. Do you have.....

 Sometimes I make it a game to use just as many exclamation points as they did in my reply. Other times if I'm busy and tired of the bubbliness (it's a new word), I say thanks and answer the question. Occasionally I lose the customer by doing that though.

I've said it before and I'll say again now. Talking to guys is a lot easier.

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