
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Book Review - Shadow and Bone


That's it, end of review. There is nothing more to say except I loved this book.

I want to draw little hearts around it and carry it with me wherever I go.

If you read my reviews, you know I rarely gush about anything. Or if I do, I usually can find one or two negative things to say about it. Shadow and Bone is perfect. It has it all - characters, worldbuilding, villains, romance,  intrigue, plot twists.


As soon as I closed the cover (yes I actually do own the hardcopy book. My brother is the best in the world and bought this for me, signed by the author, because he knew I wanted to read it), I jumped on Amazon to buy the sequel. I had to pee, but that could wait.

The sequel won't be out until 2013.

NOOOO, MY LOVE! I feel like I just proposed marriage and the answer was, "eh, maybe next year." It was the same feeling after finishing Hunger Games and having to wait for Catching Fire.

If you read this book, prepare to put your life on hold until it's finished. Food, dogs, spouses, chores....all of that will be placed on the back burner until the last word. Even then, you'll stare at the last word willing it not to be over.  It will leave you wanting more, to the point where you start thinking about scenes in your head. Like the next time two characters will meet. Or what the protagonist should've said if she only knew the truth. Or if there were enough clues given to the reader to guess the twist.

I'm following the author on Goodreads, liked the book on  Facebook, and I see the rights to the movie were sold.

Just read this. You won't regret it.

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