
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I absolutely loved Avengers. I can't remember the last time I liked a movie so much I wanted to pay twice to see it. Joss Whedon did a kick ass job writing and directing.

Imagine that task....taking a handful of characters strong enough to carry a whole movie themselves and throw them together to act as a team. Iron Man had two movies, Captain America had one, Thor had one and I believe he's getting a sequel. Whedon figured out who would argue with who, who would get along, what the Hulk would really be like, and most importantly, what would need to happen to get all of those egos to get along with each other.


Even Black Widow was done well. She wasn't just another chick in a tight suit with some flippy moves. She was smart. She was instrumental in bringing the team together and getting the info out of Loki. She also had motivation! A reason for fighting and being a team player! There was tension with Hawkeye and definite chemistry. I DEMAND a Black Widow/Hawkeye movie and Whedon MUST be the person to make it.

It didn't quite pass the <a href="http://bechdeltest.com/">Bechdel Test</a> but that's okay. It's a superhero movie. Still when I saw the character strength of Black Widow, I was hoping she'd make a friend in Agent Hill. Hill didn't get many lines though. She had that one scene in the beginning and then flew the ship around for the rest of the movie.

Anyway, Avengers is awesome, funny, kick ass, and worth every penny. I think it might be Whedon's best work, and that includes Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse....even some episodes of Firefly. Go see it.

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