
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Book Review - Lost and Found

I'll get to my review in a second. First, I'd like to talk about a genre of books I like to call Weepy Chick Lit. It usually starts off with a tragedy - either the husband dying or the husband cheating. We go with the protagonist on her journey to find herself again. It ends happily with her realizing her life is actually better.

Lost and Found started off this way. The husband kicks it on the first page. The woman is devastated, obviously. In the few weeks afterward, she has trouble being in the house, going to work, and functioning as a person. She needs a change.

She goes to an island off Maine to live for a year as the animal control warden. She meets people, makes friends, adopts a dog and cat, and takes up archery as a hobby.

There's more to it, such as the custody battle for the dog and the teenage girl next door suffering from anorexia.  Seriously weepy stuff. There's also a murder-mystery on the island. The dog's previous owner had a mysterious death.

It's like a Nora Roberts novel with all this stuff going on, but seriously weepy. You will cry from page 1 to the end. Aside from that, it's a good read as long as you do it in bed with some tissues nearby. Not for airplanes or the beach. Or any public places.

The name implies the protagonist is "found" at the end. I don't think so. No worries, I won't spoil it. She doesn't find happiness, she just finds a way to live without extreme depression. There were some low points in this book, let me tell you. Like around Christmas.

The book could've been a little longer. I wouldn't have minded reading until she did find a happier emotional place.

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