
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pregnancy Chronicles - Week 38

The nursery is done! Everything is prepped and ready to go. We put the wall decals on this week as the last finishing touch. If you are wondering where I got them, check out this Etsy shop for a wide selection and decent prices. This set only cost $55 with shipping and was very easy to apply.

I'm still walking the dog and still doing yoga a few times a week. Just doing everything at home. The only time I'll leave the house this week is to go to my doctor's appointment on Friday. Then maybe the supermarket on Saturday and the fabric store too. I'm starting to feel like a cave troll. I don't even pay attention to the news because that's "out there" and I'm "in here". Gas prices increased? Heh, who cares.

Anyway, I'm fine. I have aches and pains, but nothing I can't handle.

What's that you say? You want more details than that? Okay here are the answers to some of your burning questions that you are too embarrassed to ask.

1. No, my belly button hasn't popped out. It's still an innie.

2. Yes, I waddle.

3. I sleep great. Though the hubby tells me I snore now.

4. Yes, I can see the baby move. My belly dances around. No, I can't identify which body part it is.

5. No, I don't have stretch marks (that I know about)

6. Sometimes my feet are swollen but never badly. Mostly I wear slippers around the house so I don't notice it too much.

7.  Yes, the hubby clips my toenails.

8. I still shave my legs even though it's hard to bend that way. Feeling like a gross cave troll is worse than a few minutes of discomfort.

9. Yes, I eat a lot. I eat at 7am, 10am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm.

10. No, the doctor has not given me much indication if the baby will be early/late. I cannot help you in your "due date" pool. Yes, I know you have one. I can tell by the way you ask me the same question every time we talk. No, it doesn't bother me you have a "due date" pool. As long as you don't have something hurtful like a "weight gain" pool.

11. Which brings me to the last question. I gained 30lbs. Now you know.

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