
A blog about books, movies, dogs, and general stuff.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Time Management

I get a lot of questions about time management. It makes me feel kinda stupid because I'm not an expert on the subject. I don't even think I have that busy of a life.

I work 9 hour days.

I walk, feed, play with the dog.

I have an online business selling dog collars.

I hike on the weekends with friends.

I read as many books as I can, as often as I can.

I watch TV shows.
I'm pursuing a masters online.

I do projects around the house.

I go to the gym and/or yoga classes 3x a week.

My typical day is really normal. I get up (5:45am), make lunch, go to work, go to the gym, walk the dog, make a collar or two, eat dinner, do dishes, make 3-4 collars or do homework, play with dog, watch TV, read book, fall asleep (10:45pm).

There's really no secret to it. I get plenty of sleep and get everything done. So I'm not sure how to answer people when they ask how I manage it all. I don't think it's an unusual amount.

Notice I don't make time for cleaning, chores, and laundry. I try to do those as I'm doing something else. If I'm walking around the house, I'll try to clean up a bit. Wipe something, or throw something out. Maybe toss a towel in the wash and set the timer. It takes seconds though.

Playing with the dog is hide-and-seek. I hide his toy somewhere in the room. While he's searching for it, I can brush my teeth or pack my gym clothes. I make my phone calls to family while on walks. I guess it's multi-tasking but I don't really see it that way.

I also don't try to be perfect. If the homework is half-assed, then it's half-assed. I just need to get an A or B. It's the diploma that matters.

I don't give TV shows my full attention, unless they are awesome like the Good Wife or Walking Dead. You only need 10% of your brain to watch 2 Broke Girls. The other 90% can be spent sending invoices to customers or playing Cityville on Facebook.

Plus, I have help. My husband makes me look lazy. He does all the cooking and all the house projects. If I sweep the floor, he mops it. He plays with the dog every morning and night. And he's supportive of my collar business, yoga classes, and master's degree.

Sometimes I get overwhelmed and tired, but who doesn't? My days may be full but they aren't insane. I think they are pretty typical actually. So that's why I don't understand why people ask me about time management. If you want to, you have time.

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